LIFE BACCATA project has been one of the LIFE Nature projects selected to be part of the discussion panels of the 3rd Mediterranean Natura 2000 biogeographic seminar, held between 4-7 May 2021.
LIFE BACCATA project, whose main objective is to improve the conservation status of habitat 9580* in the Cantabrian Mountains, has met another of its goals set at the beginning of the project.
The last week of March 2021 the LIFE BACCATA arboretum was planted in Galicia. The plantation has been made up of a total of 20 yews (Taxus baccata), which are representative of the gene pool of the species in the Os Ancares - O Courel SAC (ES1120001).
As a result of the work to collect more than 1,000 yew samples from 49 localities distributed in 30 ZECs of the Natura 2000 Network of the North of the Iberian Peninsula, and the subsequent analysis of 9 microsatellite DNA markers (SSR) using PCR techniques and automatic sequencer, it has been possible to determine the genetic diversity and the degree of kinship of the yew
Work has been completed on the adaptation and signposting of this approved trail, which includes an information panel, several milestones with information on each informative stop and a leaflet to encourage self-guided visits.
The earth over time has undergone numerous transformations that conditioned life on the planet. The main changes in the earth history were continental drift and climate change.
The technicians of the project partners of the Meeting of Castilla y León, Cesefor and Ibader (University of Santiago de Compostela) met yesterday in the campus of Vigo and in the installations of Viveros Braña in Esgos (Ourense) with object to share experiences and knowledge related with the processes of multiplication of forest material for the reproduction of Taxus bacca