LIFE BACCATA arboretum plantation in Galicia is completed

The last week of March 2021 the LIFE BACCATA arboretum was planted in Galicia. The plantation has been made up of a total of 20 yews (Taxus baccata), which are representative of the gene pool of the species in the Os Ancares - O Courel SAC (ES1120001). In this way, the arboretum will serve as an ex situ conservation strategy for the yew and yew wood genetic resources of this protected area.
This planting has been carried out in the gardens of the Campus Terra (Lugo) of the University of Santiago de Compostela, by IBADER and TRAGSA, both beneficiaries of LIFE BACCATA. The location of the plantation will provide it with a marked didactic character, which will convey to the population in general, and to the members of Campus Terra in particular, the knowledge and values of an emblematic species of the Galician forest landscape, the yew (Taxus baccata), as well as priority habitat 9580 * as one of the fundamental values of Natura 2000 in Galicia.

This planting has been carried out in the gardens of the Campus Terra (Lugo) of the University of Santiago de Compostela, by IBADER and TRAGSA, both beneficiaries of LIFE BACCATA. The location of the plantation will provide it with a marked didactic character, which will convey to the population in general, and to the members of Campus Terra in particular, the knowledge and values of an emblematic species of the Galician forest landscape, the yew (Taxus baccata), as well as priority habitat 9580 * as one of the fundamental values of Natura 2000 in Galicia.