Final stretch in the monitoring of the conservation actions of the jew forests in Castile and Leon

The partners in Castilla y León, the Junta de Castilla y León and Cesefor, are about to finalise the monitoring of the conservation and improvement actions in several of the stands characterised within the LIFE BACCATA project.
This monitoring works are included in Action D1, an action to be carried out by all partners in order to evaluate the repercussions of the project's conservation actions on the 9580* habitat, and thus assess the effectiveness of the restoration actions, taking decisions in this respect, and including changes or the implementation of new measures.
The monitoring indicators used are those identified in Action A1 by the Bioma Forestal team of experts: seed production, types of regeneration, damage to regeneration, forest dendrodiversity and structural diversity of the yew population.
In the current year 2021, information has been collected from yew groves in Los Ancares Leoneses, Montaña Central de León and Picos de Europa in León, from Montaña Palentina and from yew groves in Burgos (Arceo, Monte Hijedo, etc.).
Data has also been collected from the network of plots established in 2017. These plots, spread over 13 Special Areas of Conservation in the Cantabrian Mountains of Castilla y León, were chosen according to an assessment of the representativeness of the dynamics of the most mature sides of the yew forests, which is of great interest for assessing their state of conservation.

This monitoring works are included in Action D1, an action to be carried out by all partners in order to evaluate the repercussions of the project's conservation actions on the 9580* habitat, and thus assess the effectiveness of the restoration actions, taking decisions in this respect, and including changes or the implementation of new measures.
The monitoring indicators used are those identified in Action A1 by the Bioma Forestal team of experts: seed production, types of regeneration, damage to regeneration, forest dendrodiversity and structural diversity of the yew population.
In the current year 2021, information has been collected from yew groves in Los Ancares Leoneses, Montaña Central de León and Picos de Europa in León, from Montaña Palentina and from yew groves in Burgos (Arceo, Monte Hijedo, etc.).
Data has also been collected from the network of plots established in 2017. These plots, spread over 13 Special Areas of Conservation in the Cantabrian Mountains of Castilla y León, were chosen according to an assessment of the representativeness of the dynamics of the most mature sides of the yew forests, which is of great interest for assessing their state of conservation.