CEIP Riaño learns about the LIFE BACCATA project and the conservation of the yew

On October 24th the environmental education activities of the LIFE BACCATA project arrived at CEIP Riaño. Schoolchildren between 3 and 13 years old could learn about the yew tree, woods and the importance of their conservation, as well as the LIFE BACCATA project and the Natura 2000 Network.
The activities carried out focused on the presentation of the action to teachers and schoolchildren, reinforcing the message of its conservation and restoration through different games, such as a yew puzzle made of felt, a game of pairs with the animal and plant species that share the yew habitat and the creation of a poster about the threats and different ways of conserving yews. They were also able to enjoy an interesting talk on the yew legends.
The activities carried out focused on the presentation of the action to teachers and schoolchildren, reinforcing the message of its conservation and restoration through different games, such as a yew puzzle made of felt, a game of pairs with the animal and plant species that share the yew habitat and the creation of a poster about the threats and different ways of conserving yews. They were also able to enjoy an interesting talk on the yew legends.