Informative Material

The LIFE BACCATA project works for the conservation and restoration of the priority habitat of yew, currently threatened and in regression, in fifteen places of the Natura 2000 Network of the Cantabrian Mountains and belonging to Galicia, Castile and Leon, and País Vasco.

The regression of the yew population directly affects the areas it occupies and is due to certain threatening factors such as fires, shortages, construction of infrastructures, lack of connection between these natural spaces, and climate change. Individually or jointly, these threats have endangered the survival of this species, its habitat and the biodiversity it contains, therefore, it is necessary to act and guarantee their future in a sustainable way.

The LIFE BACCATA project will implement the necessary forest protection and management measures that will promote the improvement of the conservation and restoration of yew and weavers, promoting their natural regeneration, and of the species of flora and fauna that inhabit them, and will contribute to prevent the loss of biodiversity.

The awareness and information campaign developed in the project is aimed at the school population, direct users of the habitat or related to it, such as forest owners, livestock owners, forestry and livestock associations, … and the population in general.

In order to develop this informative campaign, different materials will be elaborated, such as:

  • - Traveling exhibitions
  • - Information panels on trails, in training workshops and courses
  • - General information panels of the project in each province where the project is located in high visibility areas
  • - Posters.
  • - Informative brochures
    - Merchandising material

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